I think because Babies make anyplace (including Hell).......
a little more Cheery.
this just doesn't sound correct.
can our religious friends help us understand this?.
I think because Babies make anyplace (including Hell).......
a little more Cheery.
but i find it equally hard to believe in the evolution theory .
so for now, i chose not to believe in anything but myself and love.
that was all.
God reminds of the father that Abandoned his children at a very young age.
You hear about him and when your young you would do anything to please this Absent Parent.
The older you get the harder you become.....
until one day.... you hope the SOB is dead or you stop caring or even thinking of your Father.
A Father Figure needs to be there...... not from old letters that were written for others not you.
Why would you believe or even care about God?
He don't care about you!
(I guess this means the Holiday spirit has left Darth LOL!)
"these child laborers are paid very little"... .
these jehovah`s witness child laborers.. .
are forced to work for free... "wbt$ child labor"... .
The examples we were taught as youths to give our all to Jehovah (WTS).
Why would you feel used.....
you felt like Jehovah was blessing you......
Until you wanted to Stop.......
then the shit always hit the fan.
Elders and MS's can really make a child feel like Jehovah was sooooo disappointed in you.
i know lots here celebrate openly or quietly..... happy holidays and may your families receive nothing, but joy these next couple weeks.... hoilday cheer for everyone.. .
I heard Vamp is staying at Morgans LOL
i know lots here celebrate openly or quietly..... happy holidays and may your families receive nothing, but joy these next couple weeks.... hoilday cheer for everyone.. .
I hired some friends to help out with security......
yes poopsie they will give you their Number LOL!
and Palm LOL
ali is home and undergoing further treatment for congestive heart failure.
she has a bi-ventricular pacemaker and a defibrilator (sp?
) they believe the heart failure was caused by a virus that damaged the heart muscle.
Glad things are better..... than before.
You're right Boston is the place to be with that kind of Illness.
I'm thankful many times when My Family had some very scary moments..... we were here... near Boston.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
i know lots here celebrate openly or quietly..... happy holidays and may your families receive nothing, but joy these next couple weeks.... hoilday cheer for everyone.. .
Yes..... another X-mas Miracle.
If you can't find the New Rupus room....... follow the Star
i know lots here celebrate openly or quietly..... happy holidays and may your families receive nothing, but joy these next couple weeks.... hoilday cheer for everyone.. .
Ohhhhhh nice.
Merry Xmas Violia
and poopsie
it's been awhile since Darth decorated a tree so it wasn't as easy as you would think....
i know lots here celebrate openly or quietly..... happy holidays and may your families receive nothing, but joy these next couple weeks.... hoilday cheer for everyone.. .
What a bunch of Scrooges.............
not 1 Merry Xmas or Happy Festivis.
Where is the Love People?????
we have seen time and again how the gb comes up with a strange doctrine (such as not celebrating birthdays) by citing something in the bible (the beheading of john the baptist) and then claiming that the "connection" makes their teaching "biblical.".
this got me thinking about how easy and fun it might be to create any "bible teaching" by this type of specious reasoning.. i thought it might be fun to have a jwn contest to see who can come up with the most watchtower-sounding rationale for a screwy doctrine of their own creation.. in another thread, i wrote a short satire on how the gb could come up with a "biblical reason" for preventing jws from going bowling by noting that 10 is an important bible number and then saying that knocking down 10 pins symbolizes breaking each of the ten commandments.. if i had wanted to expand that nonsense into a watchtower-style article, i would have gone on to explain the importance of the ten commandments and then spend several paragraphs denouncing all the evils of lawlessness, culminating with paul's warning about the "man of lawlessness" in 2 thessalonians 2:3. at the end of this exercise, i would have readers worked into a frenzy about the evils of bowling.. does anyone doubt that if the wts actually did this, jws would immediately stop bowling and start looking down on worldlies who do it?.
can't you just imagine a watchtower study where jws dutifully answer questions explaining why bowling is so displeasing to god?.
Bottleofwater that is my fav spoof.....cause I came across that on my first "Internet look at JW's" after I left.
And at first...... I took it Serious LOL.
How about an Article about how Left Handed People are Cursed People by God.
Maybe how Nimrod was left handed and since he was in opposition from God ....... so too would his Offspring!